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MRV Systems Announces European Distributor


MRV Systems Announces European Distributor

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

MRV Systems, LLC and Cyprus Subsea Consulting and Services, Ltd. are pleased to announce that Cyprus Subsea has become MRV’s first European distributor, with an exclusive position for MRV Systems products in all European Economic Area countries.

The addition of MRV profiling floats completes the CSCS portfolio of autonomous platforms of ocean gliders (Hydroid) and surface drifters (MetOcean). MRV profiling floats are widely used in the U.S. and Australia, and are known for their superior build quality and technical and scientific performance. According to CSCS Managing Director, Dr. Daniel Hayes, this “aligns perfectly with our approach to provide customers with tools and methods to carry out world-class science.”

MRV’s entry in European markets with CSCS, proven experts in autonomous technology, will add value and service in several ways. “We chose CSCS because Dan and his team really understand the oceanographic technology, both sensors and platforms, needed to advance the science as well as to maintain good monitoring systems. They are experts in observational systems and buoyancy-driven vehicles which is a perfect fit for MRV’s products.” says Dr. Fritz Stahr, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of MRV.

Cyprus Subsea will help customers to select the right autonomous system or group of systems for the problem at hand, train customer teams in Cyprus or at their own base, support deployment and piloting, provide Iridium data services at competitive rates, and provide scientific consulting.

MRV is a world-wide leader in profiling float reliability and performance, with float models that span a range of depths and a variety of launch platforms.

For more information on CSCS and MRV, please see our websites.

MRV Systems:

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021


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